
Configurable flexibility marketplaces

Flexibility is critical to enabling a resilient, cost-efficient transition to Net Zero. See how others have worked with Electron to work towards achieving this.

Local demand response and local consumption incentives

London Hydro – Project L2L

This deployment with London Hydro had three aims:

  1. to ensure the visibility of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) to the utility (LondonHydro)
  2. to allow the utility to access the benefits of locally connected DERs, and
  3. to incentivise the uptake of DERs within the utility’s consumer base.

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Nunc iaculis lobortis erat vitae dictum. Quisque sollicitudin eu purus at hendrerit. Quisque quis leo ac magna vehicula fringilla. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Project outcome

A total of five demand response events took place between April and August 2021, with 53 participants per event and a 52% average participation rate.

There were 12 community energy events in the summer of 2021, with 143 participants in total, and an average 40% participation rate. The project served to demonstrate the use of a market-based approach to improve demand response from aggregated flexible consumer-owned technologies and enable peer-to-peer trading to access community solar.

Local curtailment avoidance

Scottish & Southern Energy Network – Project TraDER

This deployment developed a market that enabled efficient use of renewable energy in Orkney, Scotland. Led by Electron, the local real-time market allowed curtailed wind generators to trade with local flexible demand assets during windy perdiods. This enabled the generators to avoid curtailment, and the local demand assets to get paid to use clean energy.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sodales lorem eget sapien dignissim lacinia. Nullam a iaculis odio. Nunc rutrum pretium dignissim. Mauris commodo elit vel odio accumsan mollis.

Nunc iaculis lobortis erat vitae dictum. Quisque sollicitudin eu purus at hendrerit. Quisque quis leo ac magna vehicula fringilla. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Project outcome

Electron and Sillicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) collaborated through the Innovation Onramp program to design a new market to incentivise grid resiliency. A new local market was designed where SCVE can produce clean energy services from its customers.

Local demand response

Silicon Valley Clean Energy – Project ResponDER

Electron and Sillicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) collaborated through the Innovation Onramp program to design a new market to incentivise grid resiliency. A new local market was designed where SCVE can produce clean energy services from its customers.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sodales lorem eget sapien dignissim lacinia. Nullam a iaculis odio. Nunc rutrum pretium dignissim. Mauris commodo elit vel odio accumsan mollis.

Nunc iaculis lobortis erat vitae dictum. Quisque sollicitudin eu purus at hendrerit. Quisque quis leo ac magna vehicula fringilla. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Project outcome

The market designed provided a first demonstration of utilising a pay-for-performance variable price to incentivise load reduction within an LSE’s territory.

The market allowed SVCE to engage multiple flexible technologies, via aggregators, to request demand response based on three value streams: minimisation of wholesale market exposure (estimated at $17m 10yr NPV), reduction in Resource Adequacy payments (estimated at $20M 10-yr NPV), and reduction of hourly carbon emissions (estimated at 250k mTons CO2/yr saved).


Configurable flexibility markets

Whether you’re buying flexibility or providing grid services, use a marketplace that suits your needs. Let’s accelerate the transition to Net Zero energy together.

Working together

For a better future

Whether you’re buying flexibility or providing grid services, use a marketplace that suits your needs.

Let’s accelerate the transition to Net Zero energy together.

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